That was terrible.
I hate when people try to be funny and you know what they do? Nothing. They just take clips from another show or song and just animate crappy mouths about it. As if spriters weren't bashed enough for being unoriginal. And sadly the jokes that actually seemed to be your own idea were terrible. It was incredibly long for no reason. Brevity is the soul of wit, and speaking of wit, this had none. Most of the jokes were old anyway the clips being used many times in many flashes before. You only get cudos for using Monty Python but i wont be biased from a lovely show and give you a better review for it. You even over used an over used screaming sound clip from MK. Seriously, did originality ever hit you on the head when you were making this? I honestly did not finish it, i couldn't bare more of this crappiness.
The animation was decent, not enough to bring your score up, plus there was barely anything funny with the visuals all of the humor came completely from the audio clips you used. The talking was literally 1 pic of a badly drawn rectangular mouth just blinking whenever someone talks. It honestly looked like you didn't put a single bit of effort into the writing or animation.
Next time, try to be ORIGINAL with the jokes, and put more effort into the animation. You didn't even try to make the delivery of the jokes good enough to make up for all the rest.
You get a 1 for effort.